MSA Visit

On July 19th, the team took a visit to MSA, Mine Safety Appliances. We presented to over 30 MSA engineers about our design process of our 2023 season robot, Ankle Biter, and what FIRST is all about. The team discussed questions and answers over pizza. After, the team was given a tour of the building and their products. Their thermal imaging, gas detection, and firefighter gear were fascinating to see as we were able to look inside the gas detection product and its sensor. We got to mess around with the thermal imaging and their safety gear. The team was able to get a look inside their production area which was amazing to experience as it’s an inside look into a real company’s production line. We also got a look at where the engineers and builders of the products work. As the team walked through the office area, the collaboration that we learned through FIRST can be seen through the workers of MSA. Each cubicle had there own area to work on products right there at their desk! Some people even had a soldering kit at their desk. There was also an area for the workers to experiment even further with their designs if they so pleased. It was such a cool sight to see how a real company develops their ideas and puts them into action! We are so thankful for MSA for this opportunity to have a inside look and to spread the ideas of FIRST.


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Martian New Year